Each semester ESN Helga holds a number of active member meetings where issues are discussed and decisions are made. ESN Helga's official working language is English and all communications you will receive from ESN Helga will be in English. Our meetings also take place in English unless everyone present at the meeting is happy to speak in Finnish.

ESN Helga tutors and actives are invited to, and expected to attend ESN Helga active member meetings. You receive the meeting invitation on Facebook at the latest 7 days before the meeting will take place. If you cannot attend, you must inform ESN Helga Board. Attendance at meetings counts towards the credits you can earn from ESN Helga so its important to let us know if you can't make it to a meeting.

If you want to change your e-mail address on our mailing list you can do so by informing the HR Manager. Note that if you remove yourself from the ESN Helga mailing list completely this is considered to be a resignation of your membership in ESN Helga.

Though ESN Helga Board is the official decision making power of the section, we strongly encourage all of our actives to share their ideas and to take part in the way the section is run. You can do this by attending the member meetings, sharing your ideas and commenting on the ideas of others, arranging events, helping a board member with their responsibilities or volunteering to become a board member yourself. Our aim is to make being a part of ESN Helga fun and sharing the work helps us all to enjoy our responsibilities.